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October 2018 Empties

October was a slightly leaner month in terms of empties. I suspect it's because I'm now pretty settled into my new home and thus have less motivation to move things out of my collection. Let's dive in.

~ Living Proof Perfect Hair Day conditioner - Hated this. It left my hair with a disgusting greasy film that I couldn't get off without a deep clean treatment at the salon. The fact that my hair doesn't get along with the water in my new house didn't help, I'm sure. I used this up as shaving cream, and I wouldn't repurchase it.
~ Clinique Moisture Surge - I liked that this is a gel moisturizer, but I think it provides a little more moisture than I really need with my oily skin. Wouldn't repurchase.
~ Algenist genius ultimate anti-aging melting cleanser - This smelled like plastic (like expensive, Barbie doll plastic, but still plastic) and left a film on my skin. I also don't think I really need an anti-aging cleanser at this stage of my life. Eye cream? Sure. Night cream? Sure. Cleanser? Really? I don't even understand how it would provide benefits after you wash it off. Oh yeah, that terrible film. Wouldn't repurchase.
~ Drunk Elephant Protini polypeptide cream - Light gel moisturizer, used as a day cream. Keeps me moisturized without making me greasy. I'm already working on another deluxe size.
~ Algenist complete eye renewal balm - I used this as my eye cream at night, and I feel like a noticed a small difference. I have a lot of eye cream to get through, so I probably would not repurchase.
~ Coola BB cream in light/medium - this had a slightly grayer/cooler tone than other BB creams I've tried, so it was a decent shade match. I would rather have a plain sunscreen than a BB cream, so I would not repurchase this.
~ YSL Black Opium perfume sample - I have so many of these little guys that you'll probably see one every month. I still love it.
~ Atelier cologne vanille insensee perfume sample - This was very vanilla, but not a sweet, cooking vanilla scent. Would not repurchase.
~ Ole Henriksen banana bright eye cream - Lightly tinted and lightly moisturizing, so it was good for daytime use. I'm working on a larger sized sample, so I might have more thoughts when I finish that one up.
~ Belif true cream aqua bomb - Yes, I did use up three of these last month. Also a gel moisturizer, but this one I used at night. I would totally repurchase this. Someday, when I need more moisturizer. I woke up with such soft skin.
~ Verb Ghost shampoo and conditioner - It was okay. I've been struggling so much with my hair since the move, it was hard to tell if this was any good or not. Probably would not repurchase.
~ Too Faced Better than Sex mascara - I heard such mixed reviews on this, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this. It gave me big, full lashes and didn't clump or flake on me like I had heard it might. I have a ton of mascara to go through, but I would totally repurchase this if I ever need more mascara.


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